Monday, October 12, 2009

the end of busyness perhaps?

it feels like since last may we've been going going going; burying the thought of rest and relaxation deep in our heads, like a forgotten morsel of fine chocolate at the bottom of a purse waiting to be rediscovered, unwrapped and savoured. that chocolate's been bittersweet actually - i've finally spent more than one full day in a row at home if only because M has decided to become a grumpy little petri dish to house any willing and able virus wanting to stay awhile. things have literally come to a stand still with G being away for 9 days, the house already thoroughly cleaned with much thanks to a much needed visit from faraway friends, and A making her signature chicken pot pie for thanksgiving dinner tonight. i can't explain how liberating it is to not have to think about anyone's needs but mine own, selfish perhaps? welcome back rest, i've missed you.

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